
Who I am

My name is Björn Jeffery and I run an advisory practice focused on digital strategy and consumer culture. It is incorporated in Sweden under the name Outer Sunset AB. I serve on a few boards and have made a handful of investments. I am also a technology columnist for the Swedish daily newspaper, Svenska Dagbladet.

My previous job was as the CEO and Co-Founder of Toca Boca – one of the most successful mobile kids brands in the world with over 300,000,000 downloads globally. I’ve also run research & analysis for a global media company, a fashion blog for men, a web agency pioneering social media, a dance music blog with accompanying record label, and prior to that I was a relatively bad journalist. Here is my formal resume on Linkedin.

Speaking at PSFK New York.

What I am interested in

I am interested in the near future and how to develop products and services that fit within it. I think this is best done by thoroughly understanding mobile and web, and adding to that a broader understanding of culture and its impact on consumer expectations. Simply knowing one of the two is not enough any more.

While I specialize in family tech and media, I have also listed a few specific ideas and concepts that interest me.

I bring a unique perspective in that I have both run extensive research and strategy projects, and developed entire companies of my own. I can look at macro trends without losing touch with the realities of running a business. I’ve done, and enjoyed, both.

What I can do for you

Here are some examples of areas where I can be helpful:

  • Advise executives that want to change or expand their digital business. They may want help in doing so, or a second opinion on what is about to be done.
  • Research, write, and present reports on changes in mobile and consumer culture for executive teams.
  • Develop strategies and plan for how to best perform on mobile ecosystems such as Apple App Store and Google Play.
  • Advise funds or family offices on the fit and viability of potential investments in the consumer and mobile space.
  • Develop strategies for products and services designed for kids and families.

How to get in touch

After eight years in San Francisco, I now live in Malmö, Sweden. I work on interesting projects with people and companies from all over the world. If you are interested in finding out if I can help in any way, please drop me a line and we can get things started.

Update: Due to time constraints, I have changed my primary advisory model to single sessions that can be scheduled on the web. The result is a 90 minute advisory session where we go through the challenges and questions that you want answered. If you’re interested in scheduling such a session, please click here to see my availability.