All posts tagged: strategy

The Kids App Market, Part 1: A Strategic Overview

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The Daily

How do you take on a market where the user isn’t your customer? A market that overlaps and competes with four major industries, but doesn’t belong to any of them? These are questions I have been working with for the past nine years. Since 2010, I’ve been in the kids app market. First it was as CEO and Co-Founder of Toca Boca, and more recently as an independent advisor. Still to this day, I get […]

The Strategy Tax

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The Daily

Scene: the board room. You’re presenting a new idea for investment. Your CFO is concerned. How much will it cost? How many FTEs will you need? It’s predictable, but not unreasonable. What is unreasonable is the asymmetry of continuing with business as usual. Doing the same thing as last year requires no preparation and little effort. But it represents the largest hidden cost of all big companies. The cost of status quoThis hidden cost is […]

Know your platforms

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The Daily

It can be hard to understand what the big platforms´ incentives and interests are. This is partly why designing platform strategies for your business so hard. Are you aligning with what they are doing right now, or where they are going? Can you afford to be opportunistic in the short term, even if the long term outlook is bleak? This is such a complicated question that Jan Koum, WhatsApp CEO and Facebook board member, found […]